Necromancy Rank 3

Necromancy Rank 3
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Necromancy Rank 2, 50 Power Points, level 5
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Rank 3:

Spell Verbal: I Control Chaos and Evil From my Heart to

  • …Create a Ghoul        8 Power Points      Special
    • When cast on an Unconscious body, this spell will turn them into a Ghoul. The body must be Unconscious at 0 Body Points. A body that is unconscious solely due to a Waylay or a spell will not be affected by Create Ghoul; a character that is Bleeding to Death, Mortally Wounded or at the Brink of Death will also be unaffected.


  • Dominate Undead        9 Power Points        1 Hour
    • When an undead is affected by this spell, it will obey all the commands given by the caster. This spell will affect all undead, including greater undead. However, intelligent undead cannot be ordered to kill themselves; they will also remember who cast the spell on them and may seek vengeance once the spell has worn off. A Dominate Undead spell will work on a Death Slave. Unlike the Charm School spells, the affected, intelligent undead character may attack the caster if they wish.


  • …Shield from Sunlight       9 Power Point      Until Sundown
    • When this spell is cast on an undead, it is no longer harmed or repelled by sunlight. Shield from Sunlight can be cast from the time light first shows in the sky through sunset; it does not work if cast at night.
  • Cripple You with the Plague        9 Power Points        5 Minutes
    • This spell causes the target character to be instantly infected with a debilitating, non-contagious plague for 5 minutes or until cured with a Heal Body spell or effect. While under the effects of this spell, the character looks pasty, weak and sickly. They have a fever and feel warm to the touch. The character will swing for 1 point of damage, is reduced to 1 Body Point until the spell ends, cannot use any Advanced Career skill except for Faith skills, and can only move at a normal walking pace.
    • At the end of the 5 minutes, if the character is not healed of the plague, they will be brought to the Brink of Death and the spell ends. If the character dies from the Plague spell, they will rise up as a Superior Skeleton.


Necromancy Rank 1
Necromancy Rank 2
Necromancy Rank 4
Necromancy Rank 5

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